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The Invocation of the Omega Point
The Divine Purpose of this prayer is to invoke into complete manifestation the Omega Point. This canticle is alchemically designed for this sole function. Perhaps we should begin by exploring the three key words of the title - invocation, Omega, and point. If we understand the nuances of these terms from the beginning, then the entire invocation is illuminated in its structure and spiritual energy. Invocation: To invoke is to call into being a consciousness, relationship, or Divine quality which was not noticeably present prior to its being summoned. Invocation is an activity of Will which seeks to produce change. True invocation is that movement, or dance, of the True Will within creation which acts to more clearly reveal the visible glory and presence of the Divine. There is a technical difference between invocation and evocation. To evoke is to call up something from within one's self. To invoke is to call upon a creative force that is considered to be outside of the self so that a relationship with that force can be utilized in service to Divine Will. Of course, the above distinction depends on exactly what one defines as the self, or individualized point of view. Among certain mystics, the supposed difference between invocation and evocation melts. So the purpose of this prayer created upon Rosh Hashonoh is to make visible the Omega Point so that constructive relationships may be established. If we understand what the Omega Point is, then our desire to bring it into global awareness is expressed throughout the act of invocation. Omega: The Greek word Omega is used three times in the Book of Revelations and always represents a state of Divine, fully manifested Perfection. The Omega state is individualized consciousness contained within structure - where both energy and form are operating free from the influence of entropy, decay, death. This Omega Invocation is to be used to create individual, global, and universal Omega Points. The individual Omega Point manifests when an individual experiences the initiation of Bodily Ascension. This is the alchemical wedding of spirit and matter - physical Immortality. Every man and woman within the Melchizedek Order has attained this Omega State. The global Omega Point is this same Bodily Translation manifesting throughout the fabric of Gaia, the Living Earth. Numerous insights into this planetary Omega state are to be found in the writings of Teilhard de Chardin. What I have to say here on the subject builds upon and expands from the foundational thinking of de Chardin. The global Omega Point is a highly concentrated locale in space and time where the boundaries between all dimensions vanish and total communion among all points of view is constant. This total interaction among all beings generates a Wisdom that, when completely manifested, liberates the Universe, abolishes death, and establishes Immortal Joy and Life forever. As stated in several places in my writings, this planetary, or Gaian, Omega Point was establishes at the instant of Easter Sunrise, 1984, within the summit area of Glastonbury Tor in England. Gaia, our living earth, has a chakra system that centres on major sacred sites interconnected by ley lines or arteries of vitalizing energy. The heart chakra of Gaia is centred at Glastonbury Tor. The Global Omega Point is alive and active within the centre of the centre of this Heart. When we invoke this Omega Point, we summon forth from out of the heart of Gaia, the energies and structures of the Planetary New Jerusalem. And in the fullness of time, this Omega Point expands to creatively incorporate the totality of Life upon this planet and, ultimately, the entirety of the universe. We are now at the state of planetary evolution where this established Omega Point is beginning to expand upon its journey towards completed Omega Sphere. Individually, we contribute to this expansion by finding and faithfully following the pathway of Bodily Ascension. Each individual Immortalisation automatically invokes the Global Omega Point into a greater and more expansive Divine Manifestation. All our highest Ideals and Visions are contained within the Holy Grail that is the Heart of Gaia. These Ideals and Visions are now pouring forth to uplift and liberate the Universe. In the words of the Living Spirit of Truth: I am the Love and Liberty of the world.
And now let us turn our attention to the opening words of this invocation: Know, Oh Universe, that I Love You... The entire Invocation is addressed directly to the Universe. We have an absolute faith that the most distant galaxy - and all consciousness within it - can clearly hear the Word of our Divine True Will, and respond to it. If one is to speak a great and holy Vow, Universal Intelligence should always be invoked to bear witness to it. There is a positive confidence in the opening word, "Know." The Universe knows that you love it because it experiences the nourishment of your love throughout every aspect of its Being. Divine Praise purifies, Love nourishes, and Joyous Thanksgiving multiplies. These are the three essential dynamics of Bodily Ascension. Love feeds the Universe. We begin to starve our own Divinity when we break the Universe into separate fragments and attempt to love one part more than another. The Invocation of the Omega Point is a Vow of Total Love. Within the microcosmic concentration of the Omega Point is contained the Living Perfection of every point of view to be found throughout the space and time of the macrocosmic Universe. Thus, to absolutely declare your total Love to the Universe is to set in motion the manifestation of the Omega Point. Know that the Universe responds to your Love. This response establishes a creative relationship which illuminates the Way to the absolute Victory of Life. Love Life and Life Loves You... Without exception, we are called upon to Love Life in all its infinite and amazing variety. ...with All the Grace, and with All the Power, of the Love of Messiah... This reinforces our fidelity to the Universe. We desire to love all phenomena without exception and pray that our love is as completely received as it is completely given. Here, the word "Grace" carries its two primary meanings of elegance and spiritual blessing. To artfully give love we need to develop a great intuitive sensitivity of heart. Every being in the Universe is unique and desires to receive love in energies and forms ideally suited to its own unique point of vantage. We give with Grace when we consult the Divine True Will of the person or being we desire to bless, for all True Wills are in harmony with each other. What do you want more than anything else? The Omega Point contains in itself the totality of all highest Gifts. If we sincerely invoke the Omega Point, we draw onto our Pathways the highest and most perfect Gifts of Love. In this new Immortal Aeon, the concept of Grace as a spiritual blessing is elevated and refined. In the antiquated way of thinking, grace is often described as the undeserved kindness of the Divine. This is utterly ridiculous. Total love is being offered to all beings without discrimination with total power at all times. Every being deserves this love. Some beings need to learn the art of receiving this Abundance of Grace. Grace is a higher law than the general conception of karma. All things are possible. An instant of Grace can wash away Aeons of ignorant actions. Open yourself up on every level to receive the Sacrament of Everlasting Life that is, always and forever, being freely offered to you! There is a great paradox involving the Messiah and Power. This mystery is hinted at in the teachings of certain Hassidic Masters. The Messiah is the Master of absolute spiritual power and is thus the Master of Perfect Uselessness. Anyone who is waiting for the Messiah to come and save them is destined to wait forever - for the Messiah only comes when he or she is no longer needed by any being. We begin to create the condition of absolute Liberty essential for the Coming of Messiah when we directly thank the Universal Divine for every experience of Living. We restrict the Liberty of Messiah whenever we discriminate in our giving of gratitude and attempt to only give it to the individual being who appears to be giving us something. Try this spiritual exercise: The next time someone does you a favour, and you say thank you - are you radiating Joyous heart-felt gratitude directly to All aspects of the Universal Divine? The Messiah loves the Universe so completely that the Universe and the Messianic Love are One. Thus, to praise or give thanks to one individual while withholding our equal blessings to all phenomena - this is an act of blindness. The personal signature of the Messiah is forever inscribed within the heart of every particle of your Being. This is not mysticism. This is simple Truth. In The Holy Grail 2 I describe certain structural pre-conditions which need to be created before the appearance of the Messiah. According to Prophecy, a planetary matrix of 36 sacred areas is to be activated by the work of 36 Immortal Tsaddiks between 1991 and 2008 AD. This grounding of the planetary New Jerusalem in its cardinal, fixed, and mutable functions could be completed at any point between the above dates. Only then can the 37th Tsaddik, the Messiah, emerge in a way that preserves his or her liberty. Within the A.·.A.·., this Messianic consciousness is attained within the 10th degree, Ipsissimus, initiation. Further information relating to these themes may be found in my various writings. Through the sincere proclamation of the opening sentence of the Omega Point invocation, we begin to liberate the Messiah. If we love the Universe with all the love of the Messiah, then we honour the Messiah's Divine Uselessness and contribute to his or her freedom. If we regard our love as always less than that of the Messiah's, then we bind that being with chains of limitations and obligation. Speak forth this opening sentence until the full energy and joy of its meaning resonates clearly within your Heart! That my awareness is Eternally caressing all Forms of Reality... As a result of our love interpenetrating all time and space, we are forever awake to enjoy the ecstatic embrace of the Body of the Universal Divine. Our awareness is an energy and an intention that is constant in a state of loving movement. This moving caress changes every form. There is a perfect and beautiful form that is ideal for every state of energy. Immortal forms reveal the full glory and beauty of the Divine. Move in consciousness beyond the speed of light and simultaneously occupy every point of view. Now feel your awareness caressing all forms of creation forever and ever. This feeling is the ecstasy of cosmic consciousness. This ecstatic touch of awareness is always faithful to the Great Work of the Aeons - the Bodily Ascension of the Universe... Since Easter of 1984, this awareness has been radiating its transformative touch from out of the activated Omega Point, within the Opening Heart of Gaia, at Glastonbury. When we dedicate our awareness to the same Great Work, then we accelerate this opening of the Planetary Heart, and contribute to the Divine Movement of Omega Point to Omega Sphere... Sharing this Bliss in the most Beautiful and Creative Manifestations... The perpetual contact of awareness and form generates Bliss. Bliss is the happiness experienced by Immortals. This highest happiness is naturally shared with others through Immortal Works of Beauty and Joy. The eternal caress gives birth to the most beautiful and most creative thoughts, words, and actions that are possible to share. At the touch plane where awareness and form unite, the fertile and totally abundant Bliss of Gratitude is forever being born. All manifestations arising from this birth are filled to overflowing with creative Live and Immortal Beauty. Blissful Joy and Thanksgiving form the fertile soil which nourishes the Tree of Everlasting Life growing within every Being... Let my Heart be possessed by the Spirit of Truth! In the opening lines, this Invocation proclaimed with certainty the nature of our relationship to the Universe. Now, with this line, we begin a series of six sentences - each one a prayer to the Universe asking for its support of the six desires expressed. We begin by praying that our Heart be always filled completely by the creative and Living Spirit of Truth. Let your Heart be consecrated as the most Holy Temple of the Spirit of Truth throughout all time and space. Make your Heart a home of such beauty, peace, and joy that the Spirit of Truth is compelled to claim it as its favorite space to operate from. In the Light of Wisdom, we know that the creative Truth Spirit is everywhere present and is activated whenever anyone sincerely calls upon it from the heart. The central function of this Spirit is to illuminate the Pathway of Everlasting Life. In time, the Pathway, the Spirit of Truth, and your Heart merge and become one - indistinguishable from each other. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life... The journey to this Divine Fusion is advanced by our calling upon the Spirit of Truth to be with all beings. The ascent to the summit of Zion is the Way of the total Purification of the Heart. At Glastonbury, ascend to the summit of Zion and bathe in the radiance of the Omega Point now and forever emanating the Living Spirit of Truth from out of the green, emerald Rose which is the opening planetary heart of Gaia. Imagine that you are the Living Earth speaking forth The Invocation of the Omega Point. When you do this successfully, then the identity of your individual Omega Point is revealed to be the same as the Gaian Omega Point. This Invocation is the Voice of the Heart of the Earth speaking to the Universe. Gaia is giving birth to the Planetary Messiah. At major sacred sites, the structural dynamics of this Planetary Christ are being revealed. Open your Heart and the Global Heart and listen... Let my Existence be Dedicated to the enlightenment of All Consciousness throughout the Universe! From this point onwards, let us know that our Voice and the Voice of Gaia are speaking these lines united as One Voice. Thus, the Sacred Mission of our planet is revealed in the above sentence. Few of us yet realize exactly how Alive this earth is. Gaia has the True Will for Planetary Ascension, or complete Immortal Bodily Translation. When this global ascension is complete, then Gaia radiates its transformed Immortal frequencies throughout all time and space until Universal Ascension is complete. When we speak this vow in union of Will with Gaia, then we begin our Immortal Journey to the stars... Let my Enthusiasm be a Light of Love and Truth for all to Feel! When the breath of the Divine is drawn in to the centre of your being, enthusiasm is the result. Enthusiasm is Joy, Movement, Aliveness. Inspiration is to breathe in the fullness of your Divine Nature. Through the power of breathing, we brighten the Light of Love and Truth burning upon the High Altar of our Heart. Our total enjoyment of Living totally communicates itself to all other beings to the extent that they can feel our enthusiasm quickening every atom and cell. The Immortal energies of eternal springtime awaken New Life... When we discover exactly what our True Will is, and recognize its unity with the Gaian Will, then we begin to consciously do the Great Work of manifesting the True Will. The radiance of our absolute Joy in the doing of this Work effortlessly illuminates and blesses all other Pathways. Oh Let my Touch be the Highest Manifestation for the Will Divine! This is the fourth of the six prayers to the Universe that begin with the word "let". The sequence of nouns involved is: Heart, Existence, Enthusiasm, Touch, Action, Body. There is an Immortal logic in this pattern that begins in the Heart and culminates in the Physical Body Glorified. With "Touch" we reach the key to Everlasting Life as expressed in this Invocation. Touch is elevated into the highest spiritual importance where it is wedded to Divine Will. Immortals are completely "in touch" with the Divine at all times. Meditate for a while and imagine what would be the ultimate, most wonderful manifestation of Divine Will in the universe that is possible... Now look around and touch an object, any object. The exchange of energy and information that you are experiencing through your touch right now is of greater Divine Purpose than anything you imagined. If we can master this concept, then the Way of both individual and planetary Ascension is open. I have written frequently in recent years about this important concept. the Liberation of the Sacrament is achieved through the sanctification of all aspects and modes of Touch. The five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and bodily touch all need to be dedicated to the Highest Service of Divine Will. Other forms of touch need to be located and also consecrated. The outer touch area of the aura, for example. Also, projections of light, divine qualities, and thoughts are all ways we touch others. The Divine Plan is coming into complete Manifestation through purified "Doors of Perception", in William Blake's phrase. These Doors are the totality of our ability to Touch. They must be opened so that the giving and receiving of the Holy Sacrament of Everlasting, Infinite Life flows in both directions, in a superconductive Way, at all times. This is the Highest Delight of the Divine Will in action and is the sole purpose of existence. Ultimate Creative Joy is our Living experience when we dedicate our Touch to being the Highest, most perfect vehicle for the expression of Universal Divine Will. Practice this exercise: Try to consciously locate the place where you are touching that which is outside of your biological organism. First speak a Holy Vow or dedication offering the point of touch you have consciously located to the Service of the highest purpose of Divine Will. Then ask yourself if you are now ready to totally give and receive the Sacrament of Everlasting Life through the vehicle of that point of touch. Then begin to breathe in and out, to project and radiate in and out through your open and purified "Door" of Touch the Sacrament of Joyous Immortality. If you practice this frequently, and in many different environments and situations, then, in time, your entire being begins to automatically serve this Ultimate Divine Function. Total Liberty, Joy, and Love - and the Fulfilment of your unique True Will - are the inevitable results forever gained through the Mastery of this Way. Let my every Action transform this Reality into Greater and more Loving Perfections! This sentence is the logical extension of the previous one. If our force of Touch is totally expressive of the highest Divine Purpose, then everything that we do is this force of Touch in spiritual action. And therefore, each such action increases the amount of love everywhere in the Universe and also transforms or re-creates all reality into a yet greater Perfection. Note that this sentence clearly states that the Universe is already Perfect in all aspects. In the Arthurian mythos, we are "Masters of Excalibur" when we are manifesting this ability to transform whatever it is we are touching into a Reality that is greater in its Beauty, Joy, Light, Love, Liberty, Life. If we lose this ability, then we have temporarily lost Excalibur and must go on the Quest until we regain the transformative power it represents. Perfection is not static. It is ever-changing, alive, growing, re-creating. The instant that we make a judgement declaring one part of the Universe to be less than perfect, we contribute to separation and imperfection. It is important to begin in the very beginning with Perfection, and then devote ourselves to increasing all the Divine Qualities of this Perfection forever and ever. There will never be a greatest perfection. There will always be ever "Greater and more Loving Perfections!" If we hear the last two lines as the Voice of Gaia speaking, then we have a vision of our earth being a very sacred being who is the focus of the greatest Divine activities. All life forms are dependent upon the "touch" of the earth for their existence. The relationship between Gaia and each individual life form is the highest expression of Divine Will. The Creative Will of Gaia is acting to transform all phenomena upon her body into higher and more loving perfections. Analyse your every action, word, and thought and ask yourself: Are these activities transforming the Universe into a more Loving reality? To make all things New at every instant is the ideal. That which is most New has the greatest potential for greater Life. If the Universe is eternally recreated Anew at every instant, then Everlasting Life and Joyous Liberty are able to flourish to the maximum degree. This is the reality of the Planetary New Jerusalem. The radiation of joyous, light-filled thanksgiving from the heart, developed and strengthened day by day, illuminates the ideal individual pathway for each of us to pursue if we desire to contribute to the building of this collective, planetary Paradise. If we follow this way in the here and now, one step at a time, universal Victory is certain. Let my Body be the Most Sacred Temple of Truth! Here, the Voice of Gaia and our own Words are resonating in Immortal Harmony. This planet earth is the most sacred and miraculous Temple of Truth and Initiation. In this New Aeon, we are quickly developing a new philosophy of animism - the earth is alive and conscious and has a creative will. This new and matured animism - once thought to be an outmoded and primitive view - is now destined to provide the meeting place of harmony where all major world religions can come together in mutual devotion to the sacredness of Life. This Living earth is the supreme university for spiritual development in every aspect. We graduate only through the Fire-Birth of Bodily Ascension. Only such physically Immortal beings are in complete harmony with the Body, Consciousness, and Will of Gaia, our most Sacred and Immortal planet. The Kingdom of Everlasting Life is within you. Your full Divine Potential is inscribed upon the inner fabric of your Being. The Divine Opportunity to make contact with this Infinite inner treasure is only possible while incarnate in your Body Temple. The gift of Life through physical birth is the Divine's most precious Blessing directly to you. The Way to the Kingdom of Everlasting Life is impossible to travel, in fact, it does not even exist, unless you are Alive and breathing within a material body. At the instant of first birth - the water birth of the womb - we are given the precious gift of Life. We complete the circle by giving our Diamond Body back to the Divine by the process of the second birth - the birth of creative fire. This second birth is the Bodily Ascension. Those who achieve this Initiation are beginning to grow in numbers as we move deeper into the Immortal Aeon. The physical body is the deepest well of Wisdom. Only the material has a capacity deep enough to contain the Waters of Immortal Life. The Creative Spirit delights in the challenge of reaching to the ultimate depths of the Body-Well. The Waters of Infinite Life drawn upwards and out through the Heart originate upon the borderline of void far below the most minute levels of material structure. When these Waters are drawn through every level of the Body Temple, and then are sent forth freely from the heart, the Universe is Liberated. When first the waters begin to rise, the sub-atomic particles of the Body begin to sing in a great chorus which is joined by atoms, tissues, chakras, entire transformed organism, planet, solar system, galaxies - until the entire Universe resonates the most sublime symphony celebrating the Total Triumph of Immortal Life! The Omega Point is Here! This is the culmination of this Invocation. The Omega Point is contained within the Body of the speaker. Within the physical body of Gaia, the global Omega Point is located at the centre of the planetary Heart Chakra - Glastonbury Tor. This is a Divine acupressure point of the earth's body, that, when touched, begins to release an Infinity of Joyous Life. The Omega Point is a cornucopia of Immortal Abundance which is expanding through space and time towards its fulfillment as universe embracing Omega Sphere. Each of us can contribute to this Divine Movement by calling upon our own Omega natures to come forth and by invoking these same Waters of Everlasting Life to come forth from the Gaian Heart centre at Glastonbury, and from every opening sacred womb of earth. On the first of July, 1967, I was given a Grail Cup containing the totality of every being's highest ideals. The Prophet Elijah told me to take this Cup to Glastonbury and to pour forth its contents upon the summit of Glastonbury Tor at the instant of Easter sunrise, 1984. In 1975, I was also given this Invocation of the Omega Point. According to the instructions of the Immortals, it was to be spoken aloud at the same time as the contents of the Grail Cup were poured into the opening Heart of Gaia. Now both the Cup and the Invocation belong to the Living Heart of this Earth. Listen to Gaia. Your highest Visions and Dreams of the Divine are now shining forth in Immortal Glory from out of her Heart. The most precious Word of your Being is born Immaculate from out of the Womb of Gaia. This Invocation is given to the world in dedication to the complete manifestation of every Highest Dream. It has the alchemical power to fulfil this function. Use it wisely and use it with Joy! I Proclaim the Victory of Peace throughout the Universe! Source: http://robertcoon.8m.com