If you are looking for the force behind the U.S. atrocities, just ask: “who benefits?”
David Icke

The force that seeks to control this world and introduce its global fascist  state, the network I call the Illuminati, is nothing if not  predictable.

The unbelievable horror perpetrated on the cities of New  York and Washington is a problem-reaction-solution sting on the collective mind  of all humanity and I have been expecting an event of this magnitude for some  years. I thought it could be a war or a nuclear "terrorist" device, but  something fantastic was always going to happen during the years of the Bush  presidency when, as I wrote on inauguration day, the agenda would be pressed  forward with a gathering pace.

Fast as the world was being moved towards  global centralised fascism, it was still not fast enough to match the timescale  demanded by the Illuminati agenda. And the opposition to their globalisation  plans and their assaults on freedom, was gathering by the day. It was clear that  something of enormous magnitude was being orchestrated that would so devastate  the collective human mind with fear, horror, and insecurity, that "solutions"  could be offered that would advance the agenda in a colossal leap almost  overnight. This is what we saw in America on the ritually-significant eleventh  day of the ninth month - 911 is the number for emergencies in the United States.  Ritual and esoteric codes are at the heart of everything the Illuminati  undertakes.

And, mind-numbing as these atrocities are, this is the start,  not the end, of the next cycle of the Illuminati agenda for the mental,  emotional, spiritual, and physical imprisonment of humankind. More and more  death and destruction will unfold as the "Free World" unites as an (in affect)  world army and world government to use the threat of "terrorism" (their own) to  justify a war against the people and countries they choose to take the rap for  what the very forces WITHIN the "free world" are themselves responsible for.  Even war with the Islamic peoples is not the end, but the means to an end - a  conflict with the remaining forces of communism, which they also control.  Remember that the Illuminati operate through every country and within  "terrorist" organisations and those agencies which "oppose" such terrorism. Only  by having agents within all "sides" can they be sure of controlling the game and  knowing the outcome before it starts. The Illuminati have operatives within the  Islamic world, just as they have them in the so-called "free world", as we shall  see in the months to come. Saddam Hussein is every bit as much a knowing  Illuminati pawn as Father George and Boy George Bush in America, for example.The predictability of the ritualistic, emotionless, reptilian mind can be seen  in the news management that has followed this U.S. disaster. Look at what always  happens in these circumstances and you will see that the blueprint is the same  in almost every case. Before the event happens the fall-guy or "patsy" is  already set up to take the blame, thus steering the public mind away from  dangerous speculation and onto a pre-ordained target. After the Kennedy  assassination it was Lee Harvey Oswald; after Oklahoma it was Timothy McVeigh;  now it is Osama Bin Laden.

Bin Laden, deeply misguided as he may be, is  no more responsible for what happened this week than I am. His name was  introduced with the most obvious co-ordination immediately after the disaster  unfolded in the same way that the background to Lee Harvey Oswald was being  circulated BEFORE President Kennedy was even dead.

The idea that this guy  from the mountains of Afghanistan with far more mouth than substance could be  the "Mr. Big" of this enormous operation is utterly insulting to anyone of even  basic intelligence (see the article by journalist Robert Fisk, who has met him).  We are not talking a parcel bomb here, nor even some mind-controlled fanatic  driving a car bomb into a restaurant in Jerusalem. Four commercial airliners had  to be simultaneously hi-jacked in American air space via American airports and  flown into highly specific targets within 45 minutes of each other. How was this  possible? Because it was an inside job, that's how, orchestrated by forces  WITHIN the United States and planned by the highest levels of U.S.  "Intelligence" in co-ordination with other strands of the Illuminati spider's  web worldwide.

With an army now of mind-controlled assets at their  disposal, it is possible to get them to do anything they require once the mind  is programmed and the trigger given to activate them. Those responsible for  hi-jacking those planes and flying them into buildings will, in their conscious  mind, have believed in the "cause" they were programmed to believe in. But in  truth they were not hi-jacking and flying those planes, their programming was.  Mind control is now so sophisticated that such programming is almost child's  play.

This terror was not a failure of U.S. Intelligence for God's sake.  They were not supposed to uncover the plot and getting weapons onto planes is so  much easier if you have support from those who control the system. I have heard  that this is another "Pearl Harbor" and yes it is. You can read in ..And The  Truth Shall Set You Free and other books and studies how the American government  knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, but they did nothing about  it. Why? Because they wanted it to happen for a specific reason - to justify the  U.S. entry into the Second World War, which President Roosevelt (a blood  relative of the Bushes) had said, just to get elected, that America would not be  involved in. Problem-reaction-solution - and it's the same with the terrible  events of this week.

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, the "pin  it on bin Laden" campaign was launched as per pre-arranged plan. The Republican  Senator and Illuminati stooge, Orrin Hatch, for example, told CNN that he had  high-level information from the FBI that bin Laden was behind the unprecedented  attacks. "I do have some information," Hatch said in reference to his FBI  briefing. "They've come to the conclusion that this looks like it may be the  signature of Osama bin Laden, that he may be the one behind this." It's OK,  don't go on, Orrin, we get the message and you have done your job.

Then  we had the story of the hire car found so conveniently at Boston airport, where  two planes were hijacked, which contained…yes…wait for it…a copy of the Koran  and an instruction video for how to fly commercial jets!!! Am I in fairyland or  what? I am surprised they did not claim to have discovered a letter from bin  Laden in the car wishing the occupants the best of luck with their task. Maybe  they plan to "find" that tomorrow, eh? It's unbelievable nonsense, of course it  is, but most will believe it. And you will see more and more manufactured  "evidence" of the "bin Laden connection" systematically revealed in the days and  weeks ahead.

So, the question: Who benefits? Well, the Illuminati want a  world government and army, a world currency and centralised global financial  dictatorship and control. They want micro-chipped people and a society based on  constant surveillance of all kinds at all times. And they want a frightened,  docile, subservient, people who give their power away to the "authorities" who  can save them from what they have been manipulated to fear.

Funnily  enough the question "who benefits from these horrific events in America?" can be  answered very simply: Anyone who wants to introduce the above.

The disaster of  9-11, means that:

a) The Illuminati now have the excuse to retaliate against anyone  their propaganda machine can manipulate the population to believe was to blame.  Attacks against Islamic targets have the potential to be the trigger for massive  conflict and upheaval across the world and especially in the Middle and Near  East. The opportunities to then widen the conflict to involve Russia and China  are endless. A third world war is part of the agenda and this can open the way  for that as the dominoes fall.

b) The "free world united with America" rhetoric from Blair and  other "world leaders" is code for coming together as a world army and police  force to fight a "war against terrorism". Already the Bilderberg-controlled NATO  (the world army in waiting) has pledged such support and the collective  consciousness is being manipulated so comprehensively at this time that most  people will support American and NATO terrorist attacks on unsubstantiated  targets in the name of fighting terrorism. The stunning contradiction in this  policy will be lost on the majority blinded by the blatant and intense mind  manipulation that has followed the outrages in those U.S. cities.

c) As conflict escalates as a result of such calculated  "retaliation" the pressure for centralisation of military power and the  willingness to concede that power by the populations of America and elsewhere  will gather until the world army is in place, a world army with the power to  attack and take over any country that their propaganda machine can  demonise.

d) The collective mind of humanity, and particularly that of  America, is understandably now in a deeply traumatised state. They have been  subjected to collective trauma-based mind control and, as any mind controller or  researcher can tell you, a traumatised mind is a suggestible mind. So in the  wake of the trauma comes the programming to manipulate the population to see  events in the desired fashion.

e) One of the biggest potential obstacles to the "New World  Order", the centrally-controlled fascist global state, is the psyche of most  American people. When faced with the prospect of giving up their right of  self-determination to global military, political, and financial control, most  would be vehemently opposed once they realised what was happening. Their  collective sense of security, confidence, and pride in their nation and system  has been built on the foundations of immense military and financial strength. It  is a collective version of the John Wayne mentality - "don't mess with us - this  is America." From that has come their collective confidence in themselves as a  nation. Now that very sense of who they are, and their belief that they have the  power to stand alone, is in danger of being devastated.

f) It is absolutely no co-incidence that the targets of those  hi-jacked planes were the very symbols of America's sense of itself and its own  security - the Pentagon, symbol of their military might, and the World Trade  Centre, twin pillars of their financial might. This is not primarily an attack  on America, it is an attack on America's image and imagination of itself. Break  their spirit and their sense of being "American"; break America's confidence in  itself; put it in fear and fundamental insecurity; and you have overcome the  most significant opposition to America allowing itself to be absorbed into the  Illuminati's global and centrally-dictated society. The American psyche will now  be bombarded with more and more shocks to its security and sense of self, as  with Oklahoma and the school shootings in the past. But from now on everything  will be increased dramatically. It is vital that Americans refuse to submit to  this and realise that those who are condemning the terrorism in their midst are  those who are responsible for it.

g) When I first travelled America in 1996, I was staggered at what  a controlled society the "Land of the Free" really was (though still not as bad  as Canada). Now in the wake of this tragedy, the United States, and other  countries, are set to become a fortress of invasive surveillance and, what's  more, because of what has happened, the American people will not utter a  significant word of protest at the rapid expansion of this Big Brother society.  Problem-reaction-solution. Watch for micro-chipping of people to be suggested to  "stop the terrorists".

h) An economic disaster has long been predicted by those who have  exposed and studied the Illuminati agenda. To overcome resistance to single  currencies and central control of global finance, they need a world economic  crash that will destroy the present system and kid the people into accepting  centralised global control as the only way to overcome the crash.  Problem-reaction-solution. This is another reason why these attacks struck in  the very heart of America's economic system - and why in the days before the  carnage the talk of a global economic recession was plastered across the world  media. Now they have a blank sheet of paper with the chance to justify such a  collapse and you will see global economic bodies brought in to "co-ordinate a  response to the economic crisis". Indeed the G7 (Illuminati) grouping of nations  has already begun this process.

These are just a few of the "benefits" to the agenda from the  death and destruction in New York and Washington that was, I repeat,  co-ordinated by forces within U.S. borders. Those responsible are possessed by  non-human entities and have no regard for human life any more than most humans  have regard for the death and suffering of cattle. The reptilian mind has an  undeveloped emotional level and therefore there is no emotional consequence for  them no matter to what depths of horror and depravity they may sink. You only  had to watch the emotionless, going-through-the-motions, reading the script,  responses of George W. Bush and Tony Blair, the UK Prime Minister, in the face  of such immense suffering to see an example of this. It was in the class of the  Queen of England after the murder of Princess Diana. At least Reagan was a  professional actor. Bush and Blair wouldn't get in a school play.

Did  George W. Bush know that these devastating disasters were going to happen that  day? What do you think?? Did Tony Blair? What do you think?? But even they are  only pawns in a game controlled by far greater powers and they are as expendable  as anyone once they have served their purpose. Personally I would not be  surprised in the least if Bush was sacrificed eventually to advance the "global  terrorism" scenario, and perhaps someone very close to Blair also. And, of  course, if Bush does go, the new President would be the serial killer, Dick  Cheney.

The world will never be the same again, that's true, but within every danger  there is opportunity. And for those of us, the vast majority, who seek peace not  conflict, freedom-for-all, not dictatorship-by-the-few, now have to look  ourselves in the mirror and ask what we are going to do to stop these lunatics  from taking over their asylum.

Complaining is not good enough any more.  Running is no longer an option because soon there will be nowhere to run. It is  time to lift the arse (that's "ass" or "Bush" to Americans) from the chair and  let's stop sitting down and taking this shit. People can bombard the radio  phone-ins with another version of reality and when they cut you off get back  again and again; tell everyone you know where they can get information to give  them another fix on what is really happening; send this and other articles on  these subjects to everyone you know through e-mail, fax, or post; organise  PEACEFUL protests against the fascist state whenever freedoms are threatened;  get people together at meetings to discuss and assimilate information the media  will not tell you.


Source: www.davidicke.com